June Medicine

June Medicine

Attuning to the Standing Ones

Gratitude everyone, greetings. It has been a little more than one month since arriving in Vermont. So many communities of care have shown up in small and big ways. Human and non-human, plant communities, animal beings, insect beings, human beings, winged ones, four-leggeds, two-leggeds, swimming ones.

I’m surrounded by more standing ones than I can count. Over 75 percent of the state of Vermont is forested! Maple, Spruce, Fir, Elder, Birch, Beech, Hemlock, Ash, Cherry, Apple … blossoming (becoming nectar), swaying (when the appropriate love is given to the trees they stay flexible), descending (roots) and ascending (limbs) — growing in both directions simultaneously. The wheel of tree time endures. The divine conspiracy of Love abides … the divine conspiracy of Love abides. May it be so.

This month I’ve been particularly wooed by the smell of the evergreens and lilac blooms and honeysuckle. I’ve enjoyed creating small batches of incense inspired by this land.

As I sink both feet into my first (very verdant) spring, there will be more Seedfolk needs to come. In the meantime, I am enjoying the slow-steady pace of attuning with the standing ones. Wishing everyone big awe and a deepened relationship with body, community, and cosmos. Better days ahead.

Photo of wildcrafted incense from my new home (includes: lilac, honeysuckle, spruce, fir, cedar, myrrh resin, & honey)

This month I am launching a reading and discussion circle at the Co-Op in my village. Over the course of 10 weeks, we will meet and discuss the book All We Can Save to deepen dialogue around the topic of climate change, build community and generate caring, creative solutions together.

My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed

I have to cast my lot with those

who age after age, perversely,

with no extraordinary power,

reconstitute the world.

—Adrienne Rich

To learn more about the All We Can Save project visit: www.allwecansave.earth/